I realized that I left my last blog saying that I was going to be better at this blogging thing again… and I haven't really held up my end of the bargain. Also our friends are having a boy! It was revealed in the best of ways and we are very happy for them. Back to the matter at hand…

Of course you know what really got in my way - Christmas. Yes, Christmas has derailed my blogging but I'm back and going to fill you in on the books I read recently-ish (within the last 4 months or so). 
So to be clear, I read these four books just before we moved, four months ago. I borrowed them from a friend and had to finish them before we left. 

I first have to say that John Green is wonderful. I have loved the video blogs that him and his brother Hank Green have (check them out here) and knew the books would be good. And they were! The Fault in Our Stars is a heart-breaking love story and recently lost out to the Harry Potter Series in Entertainment Weekly's "Best Young Adult Novel of All Time" bracket game (see more here). The people have spoken.

Paper Towns was also a heart wrenching novel… I feel like possibly all Green's novels might be but I'd like to read them all so I guess if I feel wrecked at the end of reading them, I knew what I was getting myself into.

I was always tempted to read The Year of Living Biblically because I thought. "A man who takes the all the law in the Old Testament seriously is up for quite a time." And he was. And it was hilarious. And lovely. And a million other adjectives that would also fit nicely here. Mostly, I laughed out loud at the situations he found himself in.

One of the things I love about books is their covers. You know the saying, "Never judge a book by it's cover?" Well, I do. I do it all the time. I will be walking in the library or a book store and stop to pick up a book just because of its cover. I'll then read what the book is about before I take it home with me but a good cover is everything. The Thirteenth Tale has such a cover. Every time I saw it, I knew I needed to read it and I was so glad when my friend lent it to me (She's wonderful, by the way). It was intriguing, mysterious, and was written in such a spectacular way. You just need to read it.

I'm sorry that these aren't full blown reviews but I need to move on to the present day readings. These books are wonderful and I recommend picking them up for yourself if you haven't already. 

Christmas is right around the corner and I don't know if I'll be able to do any more blogging before then - see above - but until next time: Merry Christmas!

The Wakeful Dreamer

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