So it seems like while you try to organize one part of your life another part seems to be forgotten... I wish you could tie everything together so it doesn't get lost. I'm thinking of red string, what colour did you think it was?

Anyways, right now I'm unhappy in reading. I want something that will consume me but I'm unsure about what will. I haven't been to the library in a bit so maybe I just need to head down there and see what speaks to me or consult my ever growing list... 

Little Bee by Chris Cleave was one such book. I put it on my list while perusing a book shop in the airport. It was quite interesting but also a heavy read. It is about Little Bee, a girl who literally runs into Sarah Summers and her husband (who are on vacation in Nigeria), trying to escape from being killed for things she saw in her village. She manages to hold on to their address and illegally ends up in America where her visit is ill timed. 

There are some scenes in this book that are a bit disturbing though I know the reality of it is even more horrifying. Chris Cleave does a good job of keeping everything in focus without it getting out of hand. 

I had heard about Eragon by Christopher Paolini a few years ago when it was quite popular. I tend to leave popular books alone until they slip into a somewhat mild form of their popularity, because then I can get them from the library without having to wait in line! I'm so sneaky...

There were several things I like about this book: the idea and a few characters but they were all shadowed by the fact that it was just way too long. I was excited with the characters to go and find the mystery out but twenty-odd pages later of still trying to get there makes me feel not as excited. 

I know this was his first book and he wrote it when he was fifteen and he is developing a who new world - so I'm going to be nice and simply state that it was good but too long to make feel like reading the rest of the series.

I have a plan for the next years reading... stay tuned!

The Wakeful Dreamer