Happy Easter! Well, I guess it's more like Happy Easter Monday. Either way I hope your happy. 

Maybe you're happy because you are finished Lent and are now able to eat dessert again and are currently enjoying your favorite right now. Or maybe you're happy because you gave up social media for Lent and during that time you found all these great things to share on your blog but you had to wait. Hypothetically speaking, of course. 

I know you know this already but... I love reading. I can read fairly fast and if I'm into a book I tend to just devour it. Do I want to be able to read faster? Well, wouldn't you know it but someone is ready to make that happen. Meet Spritz, a company that claims they can get me reading 500 words per minute (!) and I'll still be able to comprehend it. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself!

The Wakeful Dreamer 

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