Confession time: I love TLC's What Not to Wear. I always have and I will admit that I felt sad when it ended just this past fall (mostly because I wanted to be on it and have $5000 spending spree). 

Second confession: I'm not a fashionista. Not in the slightest. I don't know designers or what's in or out. But I do love information and if I feel like there is a show that can help me dress my body better, then bring it on! 

So when I saw that Cliton Kelly, one of the show's hosts, had a book out about style, I went and got it. And it was really interesting to read about not just fashion but about manners and how to write thank-you notes properly. 

Now it may be because I'm one of the millions of people hooked on Downton Abbey, but when I watch the manners of the upper class British society part of me longs for it a little bit. The beautiful table settings and "dressing" for dinner and I still love my jeans a little too much to go all the way with it but I felt like tho book gave me a better idea about how to be better at some things in my life - not better than everyone else, grant you. That would be taking it a bit too far.

One thing that really suck with me is how to eat properly. How you should hold your utensils and how they should rest on your plate when you are finished. Practically, this has helped me to eat slower which in the long run I believe to be a good thing because I can make a plate food disappear just like magic. Now I try to be more thoughtful and take my time...

The Wakeful Dreamer

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