For the most part I've decided to write a major post on Thursdays because it gives me enough time to finish a book and write a nice (or not so nice) review about it. However, in order to be in the thoughtful writing spirit for more than one day Manic Mondays has been born.

Every Monday I'll post something I've read along my travels: short articles, a blog, maybe a website I enjoy. I'm not so sure about your Mondays but mine are usually very manic (please use at any time, it is your friend), so just think of these postings as a sweet little treat for your day. 

For the first Monday I impart one blog that always brings a smile to my face:

Where one man, Dan,  took a photo every day for a year with a Lego mini-figure (s). Twice. The photography is very good but what gets me every time is the humorous captions. So spend some time looking through his blog, laughing and let your Monday fall away....

The Wakeful Dreamer
8/8/2011 12:59:43 pm

I love that. I'll leave you with a counter-blog.

The Wakeful Dreamer
8/8/2011 11:24:31 pm

Oooo! Good counter-blog... though a few of them made want to cry a little. But still, what a great idea!


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